Bus services
Home » Bus services
Please use the links below to find information on the service you’re interested in.
In addition to timetables, you can also view live vehicle tracking, our fares & tickets and plan your journey with our new network maps.
Bus timetables
Service 99
Pulhams App on the App Store
Pulhams App on Google Play
Network Maps
Not sure what bus you need to catch? We’ve put together some brand-new network maps to make planning your journey even easier!
Fares & Tickets
Find out more about our great value tickets for travel on our services across the Cotswolds, and beyond!
We continue to accept both cash and contactless payments – and most tickets are now available to purchase on our mobile app.
Not downloaded our App yet? Plan your journeys, buy tickets, track buses and keep up to date with service updates… all in one place!
Download the app here: App Store ~ Google Play
Take the bus and you'll pay no more than £3 for any local bus journey.
The Government are funding a cap of £3 on all adult single bus tickets to support families through cost of living pressures.
This means that, until further notice, you can travel on any of our local bus services (excluding school buses) at any time of the day for just £3.
Several of our fares will remain less than £3, and our day and longer period tickets available on the Pulhams app continue to offer great value if you’re making multiple journeys.
Please select a bus service below for bus times and route information.
Operating times on Bank Holidays including the Easter weekend can be found here.
We’ll be making some timetable changes to service 68 and introducing a new stop on service 99 from 30th March, more information can be found here.
For information on The Robin, please click the image below.
Pulham & Sons (Coaches) Ltd.
Bourton Business Park
GL54 2HQ - 01451 820369
- info@pulhams.co.uk
Our offices are open
Monday – Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm